Rabu, 20 Juni 2012


Causative verb menunjukkan bahwa seseorang/sesuatu secara tidak langsung bertanggung jawab terhadap sebuah tindakan. Subjek tidak melakukan tindakan itu sendiri, tetapi justru menyebabkan seseorang/sesuatu yang lain melakukannya.

 contoh rumus: 

to have” + objek + past participle (verb 3)

contoh soal:
isilah pertanyaan dibawah ini dengan menggunakan kata let, make, have, get dan sesuaikan dengan bentuk kalimatnya. 
1. I ......  my computer fixed.
  *The answer : got

2. Stenny ...... me drive his new car.
  *The answer : let

3. Will your parents ...... you go to the beach?
  *The answer : let

4. My teacher ...... me apologize for what I had said.
   *The answer: made

5. She ...... her children do their homework.
  *The answer : made

6. I ...... the mechanic to check my brakes.
  *The answer : got

7. Silvi really wanted a dog, but his parents wouldn't ...... have a pet.
  *The answer : let

8. I can’t believe she ...... you look at her vacation pictures again last night.
  *The answer : make

9. Professor John ...... his students use a dictionary while they were taking the test.
  *The answer : let

10. Joko ...... me drive his new motorcycle.
  *The answer : let

      11. How did you ..... the doctor to make a house call?
  *The answer : get

12. My boss ...... me get him coffee, pick up his dry cleaning, and buy present for his wife.
*The answer : make

13. I can’t believe the zoo keeper ...... you feed the snake.
*The answer : let

14. Dr. Mike ...... the nurse monitor the patient’s condition overnight.
*The answer : make

15. If you ask me nicely, I’ll ...... you lick the bowl after I make the cookies.
*The answer : let

16. Sheila thinks television is a waste of time, so she won’t ...... her children watch TV.
*The answer : let

17. I don’t know if my boss will ...... me take the day off.
*The answer : let

18. Did somebody ...... you wear that ugly dress?
*The answer : make

19. Dr. Diesel ...... his nurse take the patient’s temperatur.
*The answer : had

20. How can parents ...... their children to read more?
             *The answer : get

sumber/referensi: http://englishonline.blogdetik.com/2009/08/29/causative-verb-get-have-let-make/

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