Kamis, 21 Juni 2012

apa yang dimaksud dengan cyber crime


Cybercrime adalah tindak pidana yang dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi. Berbagai definisi pernah dikemukakan oleh para ahli, namun belum terdapat keseragaman terhadap definisi tersebut. Secara teknis tindak pidana tersebut dapat dibedakan menjadi offline crime, semi online crime, cyber crime. Masing-masing memiliki karakteristik tersendiri, namun  perbedaan utama diantara ketiganya adalah keterhubungan dengan jaringan informasi publik (baca: internet). Cybercrime merupakan perkembangan lebih lanjut dari kejahatan atau tindak pidana yang dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan teknologi komputer.

aspek dari  cybercrime sendiri dapat di bagi menjadi 5,yaitu:
  1. Ruang lingkup kejahatan
  2. Sifat kejahatan
  3. Pelaku kejahatan
  4. Modus kejahatan
  5. Jenis kerugian yang ditimbulkan
dari ke-5 aspek itu cybercrime dapat diklasifikasikan menjadi:
  1. Cyberpiracy : Penggunaan teknologi komputer untuk mencetak ulang software atau informasi, lalu mendistribusikan informasi atau software tersebut lewat teknologi komputer.dapat di contohkan pembajakan software legal
  2. Cybertrespass : Penggunaan teknologi komputer untuk meningkatkan akses pada system computer suatu organisasi atau individu.dicontohkan hacking.exploit sytem dan seluruh kegiatan yang berhubungan dengannya.
  3. Cybervandalism : Penggunaan teknologi komputer untuk membuat program yang menganggu proses transmisi elektronik, dan menghancurkan data di sistem komputer.di contohkan virus,trojan,worm,metode DoS,Http Attack,BruteForce Attack dan lain-lain.
dari klasifikasi kejahatan dunia maya di atas  kita  dapat mengetahui Jenis-jenis cybercrime berdasarkan jenis aktivitasnya dan tentunya kegiatan ini yang marak di lakukan baik di ndonesia sendiri atau di negara lain,yaitu:
  1. Cyber Espionage.Merupakan kejahatan yang memanfaatkan jaringan internet untuk melakukan kegiatan mata-mata terhadap pihak lain, dengan memasuki sistem jaringan komputer (computer network system) pihak sasaran. Kejahatan ini biasanya ditujukan terhadap saingan bisnis yang dokumen ataupun data-data pentingnya tersimpan dalam suatu sistem yang computerized.Biasanya si penyerang menyusupkan sebuah program mata-mata yang dapat kita sebut sebagai spyware.
  2. Infringements of Privacy.Kejahatan ini ditujukan terhadap informasi seseorang yang merupakan hal yang sangat pribadi dan rahasia. Kejahatan ini biasanya ditujukan terhadap keterangan pribadi seseorang yang tersimpan pada formulir data pribadi yang tersimpan secara computerized, yang apabila diketahui oleh orang lain maka dapat merugikan korban secara materil maupun immateril, seperti nomor kartu kredit, nomor PIN ATM, cacat atau penyakit tersembunyi dan sebagainya.
  3. Data Forgery.Merupakan kejahatan dengan memalsukan data pada dokumen-dokumen penting yang tersimpan sebagai scriptless document melalui internet. Kejahatan ini biasanya ditujukan pada dokumen-dokumen e-commerce dengan membuat seolah-olah terjadi “salah ketik” yang pada akhirnya akan menguntungkan pelaku.
  4. Unauthorized Access to Computer System and Service.Kejahatan yang dilakukan dengan memasuki/menyusup ke dalam suatu sistem jaringan komputer secara tidak sah, tanpa izin atau tanpa sepengetahuan dari pemilik sistem jaringan komputer yang dimasukinya. Biasanya pelaku kejahatan (hacker) melakukannya dengan maksud sabotase ataupun pencurian informasi penting dan rahasia. Namun begitu, ada juga yang melakukan hanya karena merasa tertantang untuk mencoba keahliannya menembus suatu sistem yang memiliki tingkat proteksi tinggi. Kejahatan ini semakin marak dengan berkembangnya teknologi internet/intranet.bagi yang belum pernah dengar, ketika masalah Timor Timur sedang hangat-hangatnya dibicarakan di tingkat internasional, beberapa website milik pemerintah RI dirusak oleh hacker.Kisah seorang mahasiswa fisipol yang ditangkap gara-gara mengacak-acak data milik KPU.dan masih banyak contoh lainnya.
  5. Cyber Sabotage and Extortion.Merupakan kejahatan yang paling mengenaskan.Kejahatan ini dilakukan dengan membuat gangguan, perusakan atau penghancuran terhadap suatu data, program komputer atau sistem jaringan komputer yang terhubung dengan internet. Biasanya kejahatan ini dilakukan dengan menyusupkan suatu logic bomb, virus komputer ataupun suatu program tertentu, sehingga data, program komputer atau sistem jaringan komputer tidak dapat digunakan, tidak berjalan sebagaimana mestinya, atau berjalan sebagaimana yang dikehendaki oleh pelaku. Dalam beberapa kasus setelah hal tersebut terjadi, maka pelaku kejahatan tersebut menawarkan diri kepada korban untuk memperbaiki data, program komputer atau sistem jaringan komputer yang telah disabotase tersebut, tentunya dengan bayaran tertentu. Kejahatan ini sering disebut sebagai cyber-terrorism.
  6. Offense against Intellectual Property.Kejahatan ini ditujukan terhadap Hak atas Kekayaan Intelektual yang dimiliki pihak lain di internet. Sebagai contoh adalah peniruan tampilan pada web page suatu situs milik orang lain secara ilegal, penyiaran suatu informasi di internet yang ternyata merupakan rahasia dagang orang lain, dan sebagainya.Dapat kita contohkan saat ini.Situs mesin pencari bing milik microsoft  yang konon di tuduh menyerupai sebuah situs milik perusahaan travel online.
  7. Illegal Contents.Merupakan kejahatan dengan memasukkan data atau informasi ke internet tentang sesuatu hal yang tidak benar, tidak etis, dan dapat dianggap melanggar hukum atau mengganggu ketertiban umum. Sebagai contohnya adalah pemuatan suatu berita bohong atau fitnah yang akan menghancurkan martabat atau harga diri pihak lain, hal-hal yang berhubungan dengan pornografi atau pemuatan suatu informasi yang merupakan rahasia negara, agitasi dan propaganda untuk melawan pemerintahan yang sah, dan sebagainya.Masih ingat dengan kasus prita mulyasari yang sampai saat ini belum selesai.Hanya gara-gara tulisan emailnya yang sedikit merusak nama baik sebuah institusi kesehatan swasta dia di seret ke meja hijau.
  8. Carding.Adalah kejahatan dengan menggunakan teknologi computer untuk melakukan transaksi dengan menggunakan card credit orang lain sehingga dapat merugikan orang tersebut baik materil maupun non materil.dalam artian penipuan kartu kredit online.
  9. Cracking.Kejahatan dengan menggunakan teknologi computer yang dilakukan untuk merusak system keamanan suatu system computer dan biasanya melakukan pencurian, tindakan anarkis begitu merekan mendapatkan akses. Biasanya kita sering salah menafsirkan antara seorang hacker dan cracker dimana hacker sendiri identik dengan perbuatan negative, padahal hacker adalah orang yang senang memprogram dan percaya bahwa informasi adalah sesuatu hal yang sangat berharga dan ada yang bersifat dapat dipublikasikan dan rahasia.Sedang Cracker  identik dengan orang  yang mampu merubah suatu karakteristik dan properti sebuah program sehingga dapat digunakan dan disebarkan sesuka hati padahal program itu merupakan program legal dan mempunyai hak cipta intelektual

Komentar menurut saya:
Setiap perbuatan kejahatan Baik di dunia maya maupun dunia nyata sama-sama saling merugikan  maka dari itu sebaiknya kita mengetahui sebelum kita menjadi korban, diatas ini saya membahas tentang  cyber crime atau kejahatan dengan menggunakan tekhnologi dan internet yang saya kutip dari beberapa blog yang menurut saya sangat baik dan bermanfaat bagi kita.
Informasi diatas sangatlah berguna karena dengan sadar atau tidak pasti kita pernah menjadi korban kejahatan cyber crime karena kehidupan kita saat ini yang selalu menggunakan tekhnologi inernet. sangat merugikan bagi kita jika pernah menjadi korban kejahatan cyber crime dan sangat menguntungkan bagi para pelakunya, seiring berkembangnya tekhnologi akan semakin bertambah jenis-jenis kejahatan dari cyber crime maka kita semakin dituntut untuk selalu berhati-hati terutama dalam menjaga dokumen rahasia milik kita dan dalam beraktivitas dengan menggunakan internet.
Mungkin sekian komentar yang saya berikan mungkin artikel diatas bisa kita pelajari agar kita mengetahui lebih dalam tentang cyber crime yang umumnya sering terjadi semoga bermanfaat untuk kita semua.


NPM: 14211247




Rabu, 20 Juni 2012


Causative verb menunjukkan bahwa seseorang/sesuatu secara tidak langsung bertanggung jawab terhadap sebuah tindakan. Subjek tidak melakukan tindakan itu sendiri, tetapi justru menyebabkan seseorang/sesuatu yang lain melakukannya.

 contoh rumus: 

to have” + objek + past participle (verb 3)

contoh soal:
isilah pertanyaan dibawah ini dengan menggunakan kata let, make, have, get dan sesuaikan dengan bentuk kalimatnya. 
1. I ......  my computer fixed.
  *The answer : got

2. Stenny ...... me drive his new car.
  *The answer : let

3. Will your parents ...... you go to the beach?
  *The answer : let

4. My teacher ...... me apologize for what I had said.
   *The answer: made

5. She ...... her children do their homework.
  *The answer : made

6. I ...... the mechanic to check my brakes.
  *The answer : got

7. Silvi really wanted a dog, but his parents wouldn't ...... have a pet.
  *The answer : let

8. I can’t believe she ...... you look at her vacation pictures again last night.
  *The answer : make

9. Professor John ...... his students use a dictionary while they were taking the test.
  *The answer : let

10. Joko ...... me drive his new motorcycle.
  *The answer : let

      11. How did you ..... the doctor to make a house call?
  *The answer : get

12. My boss ...... me get him coffee, pick up his dry cleaning, and buy present for his wife.
*The answer : make

13. I can’t believe the zoo keeper ...... you feed the snake.
*The answer : let

14. Dr. Mike ...... the nurse monitor the patient’s condition overnight.
*The answer : make

15. If you ask me nicely, I’ll ...... you lick the bowl after I make the cookies.
*The answer : let

16. Sheila thinks television is a waste of time, so she won’t ...... her children watch TV.
*The answer : let

17. I don’t know if my boss will ...... me take the day off.
*The answer : let

18. Did somebody ...... you wear that ugly dress?
*The answer : make

19. Dr. Diesel ...... his nurse take the patient’s temperatur.
*The answer : had

20. How can parents ...... their children to read more?
             *The answer : get

sumber/referensi: http://englishonline.blogdetik.com/2009/08/29/causative-verb-get-have-let-make/

Sabtu, 02 Juni 2012

cause loss of concentration (tugas komentar bahasa inggris)

Here are 9 reasons why you have trouble concentrating as reported by the prevention, Tuesday (15/05/2012), among others:

Hormone levels and low vitamin Which is sometimes confused mind can indicate vitamin or hormone deficiency, especially if you're feeling tired. For example, if you are short of thyroid hormone, your metabolism will slow down, reduced blood flow and brain cell function can not work optimally. Lack of vitamin B-12 in the body also has the same symptoms. You can check about the deficiency of hormones and vitamins to the doctor indicated cardiovascular problems like hypertension, high cholesterol, metabolic syndrome or prediabetes. If the problem is left untreated, can lead to cognitive decline.
Your use of certain drugs Use of anti-depressant drugs can affect your mood and concentration. Antihistamines and sedatives may cause drowsiness, while antidepressants and other drugs that can interfere with the kind of brain work. People who use statin drugs will sometimes lose mental clarity. Before deciding to use drugs, better consult a doctor first. Ask if there are drugs known to cause a distraction when it is consumed or when you stop taking them.
You quit smoking You will find it difficult to concentrate when you quit smoking because of the influence of nicotine addiction that has made you. But this will pass and your mental health will soon improve with reduced adverse effects of nicotine on the body.
Poor diet Poor eating habits increase the risk of obesity, hypertension, high cholesterol and related diseases that can impair cognitive function. Being overweight or obese makes it harder to stay active, but active body is important for brain health. Eat fish and vegetables and eating less meat and saturated fat foods will make your brain sharp again.
You are too busy You may be very busy, so too divorsir brain activity without the required physical activity of the brain. Exercise increases the production of substances that can stimulate the brain and slow the formation of plaques that cause Alzheimer's disease. Start exercising and your brain will feel sharper and more focused.
You have excessive anxiety When you are worried about something, you will find it hard to concentrate on your work. That's how the brain responds to real or imagined threat. You become very aware of the environment. Do something nice for clearing your head of things that create anxiety. Share a story with a close friend can also reduce excessive fears.
There are many things you need to do every day If you have a list of daily work and requires too much memory, it could mean you will experience forgetfulness and impaired brain function. People sometimes can not keep his mind from too much burden to be remembered in his brain.
ADHD A person may suffer from undiagnosed Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in adulthood is characterized by symptoms of impatience, forgetful and had difficulty completing office tasks. When you have problems with concentration, immediately consult a doctor to find out your chances of suffering from ADHD.

*komentar saya: 

This article was excellent and I highly recommend for those workers and students in addition to this article can help you get more concentration.
so for those of you who like to lose concentration at work or study may be due to the above matters and the article also explains how you can concentrate more, but in my opinion is still not complete due to loss of concentration can also be caused by fatigue or brain does not want to think too weight, could also be caused because the mood was not possible because there was a problem that has not been resolved, because of lazy to take a lesson or work, the mind is distracted by something and much more.
but so far all that has been described by the article is very good and very beneficial especially for those of us who are a student or office worker.
maybe just a few of my comments and additions may be useful for you.

sumber: http://hipni.blogspot.com/2012/05/penyebab-hilangnya-konsentrasi.html


how to quit smoking.  

To unsubscribe from this bad habit is not easy, but not necessarily be. The following will explain some tips on how to quit smoking that may be useful to you, such as:

A. Inhale deeply and slowly out through the mouth.This is an effective way to prevent you when to smoke. Do this every time you want to smoke. You can do it three times once in a while. Take a deep breath in as much as you, hold briefly, then remove it slowly through the mouth. Actually this is a variation of yoga techniques, and is very soothing. By doing this process, that was your intention to quit smoking but lost by lust, will be strong again so that it can prevent your desire to smoke.
2. Drink plenty of waterIn the early days, drink lots of water to help flush out the nicotine and some of the toxins in your body.
3. Keep yourself from alcohol, sugar, and coffeeThis is because all three are often stimulates the desire to smoke, and therefore avoid to consume alcohol, sugar, and coffee. Avoid fatty foods, because your metabolism will slow down a bit without the nicotine.
4. Find a SubstituteFind a replacement of your smoking habit. You can replace it by eating low-calorie foods like celery, apples, and carrots. In addition to chew gum or suck on cinnamon sticks can also be an alternative. At the time after dinner, treat yourself to a cup of mint tea or a peppermint candy.
5. Busy themselvesBusy yourself with hobbies or fun things such as biking, gardening, listening to music, play games, and so forth. Exercise to the gym or jogging or just walking around the housing complex.
6. Reduce the amount of cigarette consumption slowlyYou can not instantly stop smoking immediately. The best way is to reduce the number of cigarettes gradually. If you used to spend a pack of cigarettes per day, you can reduce to 10 cigarettes for the first day. The next day, try to decrease the longer the rod 8, the third day to 5 bars, and so on until the end of the day you do not smoke even one stem.
7. Tell and ask for support from family and friendsIt is very important, because we realize it or not, usually people smoke due to the influence of friends, family, and environment. By telling them that you will / have quit smoking, it is hoped they will understand and will not offer cigarettes and even it will help you to keep cigarettes out of your presence.
You can also consult the nearest doctor to get advice the better. Seventh review above is a form of business that you can apply to quit smoking, but the most important of all is your own intentions. Without a strong intention, your efforts will be futile. Similarly, articles on how to quit smoking, may be useful for you
*komentar saya:.
This article is very good and useful for heavy smokers, especially college students who want to stop the bad habit of smoking because of the ways mentioned of the article is very easy to do and I strongly agree with the article above because smoking can cause adverse effects become more good stop from now on, especially the students or college students are no exception women including active and passive smokers.
better divert the bad habit of smoking by filling out a flurry of himself as writing in a blog like the article above which provide information that is very positive and there are many more ways to forget cigarettes as written above this article.
I hope my articles and comments can be useful and beneficial and helpful, especially for all students and college students because there is still much to be accomplished so start living healthier by quitting smoking.
sumber: http://artikelkesehatan99.com/7-cara-berhenti-merokok/

Cheap car TATA ready present in Indonesia (tugas bahasa inggris)

Jakarta - Worldwide cheapest car, Tata Nano ready to be marketed in the country. Certainty is obtained when the car is registered in India Ministry of Industry.

Distributor, PT Java registering Tata Motors Nano LX type, as a passenger vehicle 4x2. This car is listed with a capacity of 642cc, which is the type of testing prposes 632/IUBTT/TPT/3/2012 registration number.

PT Java Motors was already opened an office in Jakarta. Initially, this was a cheap car will be sold or imported CBU from India as a whole. However, going forward, will open the PT Java Motors Tata Nano's assembly plant in Indonesia.

With kapasiitas haul 4 passengers, Tata Nano still save power by 38 ps with a maximum torque of 48 Nm, two-cylinder engine capacity of 642cc. While the look of affairs, it seems not much different from a car filmed Indonesia, such as the Hornet AG.

Tata Motors Tata Nano membanderol to type at the cheapest a range of Rp 24.5 million and the type of the highest priced at Rp 34.3 million.


I think comments should be Indonesian industry ministry to give permission to re-think the car is manufactured in Indonesia, because if the car was officially sold on the streets impact the protocol will be added traffic, especially in Jakarta which has been included as a traffic jam and the densest in the world other than the smoke generated will add to the car that will pollute the air pollution in Indonesia and considering the feasibility of this car if it passes the test, this should be a material consideration prior to the industry ministry gave permission for the company further TATA NANO.
in addition to the above factors there are also disadvantages manufactures and sells the excess of TATA NANO car is at a low price can reach from the middle class and for the motor user can switch to cheaper car is safer than carrying capacity are also more than the motor, can also reduce the risk of accidents caused by motorists because switching to cheaper cars for the user of this past old cars can also switch to this car because it is more fuel efficient.
hopefully with the car manufactures to Indonesia, Indonesia and PT ministry java motors to further consider the impact not only take profit.

sumber artikel: http://mobil.otomotifnet.com/read/2012/03/27/329374/178/1/Siap-Hadir-di-Indonesia-Tata-Nano-Mendaftar-di-Kemenperin

komentar dari artikel tips berlari yang baik dan benar

Articles Sports: Running Good and True Tips

Sports article will discuss about how to run a good and true. Not a few people who exercise without knowing whether the movement is correct or not, included in the running. Cheap sport is proved to have "rules" of its own. Consider a few tips sports articles from experts on running a good and true.
Do not rush
You are just trying to track, it is better not try to conquer distance. Try to think of conquering time, not distance. Do not try to run up to 2 miles a day if you are not used in this sport. Increase the time little by little, not too memforsir energy.
Do not choose just any shoesDo not choose athletic shoes because they are cheap and do not pay attention to the quality of the goods. Shoes with poor quality gives you most likely get injured. Therefore, do not hesitate to buy shoes with good price but the quality is guaranteed and reliable. In addition to not endanger the legs, usually more durable.
Relaxed posture
When you run, make serileks posture possible. Let your mouth open, do not merapatkkan shoulders to the ears, and let your hands remain relaxed.
Do not make a fist

Avoid clenching hand position, because it's the right position with the hands as if holding an egg and keep in each hand. Therefore, make sure when you do not run "breaking eggs" in the palm of the hand.
Moment than not at allTake a little time, although it was only five or 15 minutes to run. How busy you are, it would be better to spend a little time to run than not run at all in a day.
Warm up
Do not start running before you warm up. Try to jog before stretching or stretching can be done after the first run. If you do stretching the muscles in cold conditions will not benefit the body, and even tends to be dangerous to the body.
Avoid dehydration
Hot or cold weather, keep your body to avoid dehydration. Consuming enough water can help the blood flow remains smooth and good for your health.
Exercising regularly
Be consistent in the exercise, do not miss a day without exercising. Better to work out while taking a day for a few minutes than no exercise at all.
Listen to your body
Do not force yourself to keep running if the body was not strong. Listen to what your body says, that way you avoid injury.
Take regular exercise to maintain the health of your body. Hopefully this article on the sport can be your guide in the exercise of good and true. Good luck.

*komentar artikel menurut saya:

above article is very useful for the hobbyist to the sport, especially with running, we should not underestimate at all sports including running that looks very easy to do because one little body can be injured and would not benefit the body. we generally run during morning or afternoon with a short or long distance, but by not using the rules of this article is to guide us to run a safe exercise, healthy and of course our sport became more useful with the guidance of this excellent article.
it would be nice if before beginning any exercise we know the steps to keep it awake from mild or severe injury as well as convenient in the exercise.
but in addition to the advantages of this article, I also found a shortage, which is not explained here how to exercise for children only for adults if the adults to exercise run by the same children should be given the information so it can be very useful anymore.
but I still recommend this article for those of you that young and old alike.

sumber artikel: http://melindahospital.com/modul/user/detail_artikel.php?id=1301_Artikel-Olahraga:-Tips-Berlari-Baik-dan-Benar